(RepublicanDaily.org) – Bad news for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign keeps piling up as the public learns more about what the president and his handlers appear to have kept out of the public eye about his declining health.
After Biden’s disastrous performance in his June 27 debate with opponent Donald Trump, much of the country expressed shock and dismay at Biden’s physical and mental state. From the moment he walked onto the stage the president gave the appearance of a confused old man with a halting step. Throughout the exchange Biden was often incoherent and inaudible.
The reason for this may be Parkinsonian dementia. White House visitor logs show that Dr. Kevin Cannard, a specialist in Parkinson’s disease, visited the White House at least eight times from mid-2023 through April of 2024. It is not yet known whether Cannard has visited again since the logs which end in April. Cannard is a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders.
The White House is claiming that Biden met with Cannard “only” three times, implying that Cannard’s five other visits were unrelated to the president’s health. Even if this is true, the fact that Joe Biden has consulted with a Parkinson’s specialist would seem to put paid to Biden’s claim that there is nothing wrong him and that he is no more frail than he ever has been.
Parkinson’s is a neurological disease that progresses, causing sufferers to gradually lose brain nerve cells important in producing dopamine. Symptoms include a slack facial expression, whispering speech and trouble swallowing food. Biden certainly does appear to have an alarming facial expression, and is frequently inaudible as he seems to be whispering rather than speaking with a full voice.
Dr. Cannard is considered an expert on Parkinson’s and he has worked at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for 20 years. Walter Reed provides care to top brass and officials like the U.S. President.
Though President Biden has defiantly refused to step down from his campaign—while speaking very bitterly at fellow Democrats who made the suggestion—a growing number of Americans do not believe he is fit for office. A recent NewsNation poll found that 80 percent of those surveyed are concerned about Biden’s mental ability.
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