Wanted Man Finally Caught After 16 Years on the Run

(RepublicanDaily.org) – A man convicted and found guilty of rape in 2007 has finally been caught – after spending 16 years hiding from law enforcement.

It turns out that Tuen Kit Lee, who became known as the “Bad Breath Rapist” had forced a new life in the California’s Bay Area, assuming a different name and even establishing a relationship with a local woman who had no idea of his dark past.

Lee was accused of raping a woman in 2005. The woman worked at his parent’s restaurant in Quincy, Massachusetts, who told police that Lee broke into her home and held her at knifepoint. He then zip-tied the victim to the bed and proceeded to rape her. Lee wore a mask, but the victim identified him through his bad breath, which earned him is infamous monicker. Police that investigated the crime also positively identified him as the assailant using the clues provided by the victim, as well as DNA evidence.

Police were able to arrest Lee, who stood trial for the crime until he posted bail shortly before counsel were to present closing arguments in his case. He then used the opportunity to flee the state. The jury still found him guilty of all 13 charges against him in his absence. He has been on the run ever since, and in August 2023, the Massachusetts State Police put out a $10,000 reward for information on his whereabouts.

Law enforcement finally caught up with Lee in Diablo, California, which is around 30 minutes away from San Francisco. He had apparently been living in a domestic partnership with a local business woman for more than a decade. Police spotted him leaving his partner’s home and followed him. A traffic stop was conducted, with Lee initially lying to police officers by providing a fake name. He eventually confessed his real identity after further questioning. 

Lee is currently in the custody of the Danville Police Department in California, and will be extradited to Massachusetts. Given his history, he is also being held without bail.

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