Trump Deletes Controversial Video After Uproar

( – Former president Donald Trump has taken down a post on his Truth Social account that included references to Nazi concepts.

The post, which came in the form of a 30-second video, promised the creation of a “unified Reich,” should Trump win a second term in the White House.

The term “Reich” is technically German for “realm” or “kingdom,” but is most often associated with Adolf Hitler, who used the term to describe Nazi Germany, which he and his supporters believed was superior to all other governments and races.

The video drew widespread condemnation, with the campaign of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris calling it a sign that Trump’s goal is to be a “dictator” if he is elected president for a second time. Furthermore, the Biden-Harris campaign said that Trump’s “Parroting [of] ‘Mein Kampf’” – Hitler’s Nazi and white supremacist manifesto – was proof that he was “unhinged” and that Trump’s only vision was one of “chaos, division, and violence.”

In a separate statement, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates called the video “abhorrent, sickening, and disgraceful.” On top of that, the White House said that the video was an example of “Antisemitic dog whistling” that advocates “un-American” values.

For his part, the campaign of the former chief executive attributed the post to a mistake by a “junior staffer who clearly did not see the word.” Karoline Leavitt told the press that the president was in court when the questionable content was posted.

She also asserted that the post was not related to Trump’s campaign, and attempted to flip the script, saying that the real extremist was President Biden, whom she said capitulated and “bowed down” to “radical antisemites and terrorist sympathizers” such as Democratic Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar and Democratic New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This is not the first time Nazi terminology has been associated with Trump, however – he has described the Biden’s progressive government as a “Gestapo administration,” and has said that Jewish people who vote Democrat “should have their head examined.”

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