Texas Attorney Gets 180 Days in Jail

(RepublicanDaily.org) – A Texas attorney has been sentenced to 180 days in jail after pleading guilty to mixing in abortion-inducing drugs into his wife’s drinks.

The 39-year-old attorney, Mason Herring, was also sentenced to 10 years of probation for the crime. His now estranged wife, Catherine – who has also filed for divorce – said that Herring began giving her suspicious looking and tasting drinks when he learned that she was pregnant for a third time. Catherine was able to deliver the child, who came out 10 weeks premature. Their daughter is now one year old, but the mother says that the child is suffering from developmental delays and has to attend regular therapy sessions.

According to Catherine, her ex-husband began to poison her and her baby in 2022, shortly after learning that she was pregnant again. She said that he began to lecture her on hydration, and pushed her to take in more fluids, ostensibly to help with her pregnancy. She said that after drinking a cloudy glass of water he offered her, she became severely ill. Mason reasoned that the pipes could just have been dirty.

Catherine said that she became suspicious of Mason’s behavior and started refusing drinks he would give her. Catherine said that she later found packaging in the trash for a substance called “Cyrux” that contained the abortion-inducing drug misoprostol. She also installed hidden cameras in the house that later showed her that her then-husband was indeed mixing something into her drinks.

Catherine slammed the decision of the court, saying that it was not justice enough for “attempting to kill your child seven separate times.” She also called her ex-husband’s actions a “a wicked act of deception.”

Herring’s lawyer, Dan Cogdell, said that “Mason has accepted his responsibility” for the crime and believes that the plea deal and sentence he received were reasonable.

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