Netanyahu Scratches War Cabinet After Key Ally Leaves

( – Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has scrapped the entirety of his war cabinet following the resignation of Benny Gantz, a long-time ally.

Despite being a key Netanyahu ally, Gantz’s views were more centrist and moderate. He stepped away from the war cabinet over his frustration with Israel’s continued war effort in Palestine against the remaining forces of Hamas; Gantz accused Netanyahu of prioritizing his political status and power over the security of Israel and its people. According to Gantz, “political considerations” caused “hesitancy and procrastination” in the war cabinet’s decision-making process.

Furthermore, Gantz said that Netanyahu was “making empty promises” while at the same time “preventing us [Israel] from achieving true victory” against Hamas. The former war cabinet member stressed that Israel needs to reassess its future rather than simply blunder headfirst into continuing its armed offensive in Gaza. He also called on Netanyahu to hold an early election so that Israeli society can “renew its contract with its leadership.”

Gantz, a former military officer, has also been critical in Israel’s relationship with the U.S., and has often served as a mediator between officials from both countries. His presence in the war cabinet, which he joined in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 Hamas attacks, lent the Israeli offensive much-needed credibility with the international community.

Gantz’s departure ostensibly forces Netanyahu to depend more on members of the country’s far-right – who are pushing for Israel to continue its war efforts – to preserve his power in government. Members of the far-right are also opposed to the U.S.’ calls of a ceasefire in Gaza. Instead, they are pushing for Israel to reoccupy the territory, which could ostensibly sour relations between Israel and a number of its allies, and potentially further provoke violent responses from Islamist extremists in the Middle East.

Netanyahu has attempted to address these concerns, saying that he will exclude the far-right faction from participating in “smaller forums” designed to discuss sensitive matters regarding the war effort.

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