Nashville Auto Business Owner Indicted on Tax Evasion and Theft

Nashville Auto Business Owner Indicted on Tax Evasion and Theft

Hold onto your wallets, fellow Tennesseans! It seems some of our less-than-upstanding neighbors have been playing fast and loose with our hard-earned tax dollars. While most of us are busy working to keep this great state running, a few bad apples are trying to game the system. But fear not, patriotic readers! Our vigilant Department of Revenue is on the case, and they’re reminding us that we all have a part to play in keeping Tennessee’s financial house in order. Let’s dive into the latest tax fraud saga and see how we can help keep our state’s coffers full and our fellow citizens honest.

The Indictment

A Nashville business owner has found himself in hot water with the law. The owner of Southeast Automotive has been indicted on charges of tax evasion and theft, adding to a growing list of Tennessee business owners facing similar accusations. This case, like many others, was investigated by the Tennessee Department of Revenue’s Special Investigations Section, highlighting the state’s commitment to cracking down on tax-related crimes.

The charges stem from allegations that the business owner failed to remit collected sales tax and falsified tax returns. These actions not only deprive the state of much-needed revenue but also create an unfair advantage over law-abiding businesses.

“This indictment should serve as a warning to those that believe they can get away with tax fraud. Our department remains committed to prosecuting tax evaders to ensure a level playing field for all businesses.”

A Statewide Issue

The Nashville case is just one of many recent incidents across Tennessee. Multiple business owners have been indicted or pled guilty to tax-related crimes, including tax evasion, theft, and even counterfeiting. These cases often involve failure to remit collected sales tax or falsification of tax returns, undermining the integrity of our tax system.

“Most businesses in Tennessee remit the tax dollars they collect from customers.”

While the Department of Revenue works tirelessly to catch these tax cheats, they’re not working alone. Collaboration with District Attorney Glenn Funk’s Office has been crucial in bringing these cases to justice. Sentences typically include probation and orders to pay restitution, ensuring that the state recovers lost revenue.

The Community’s Role

As patriotic Tennesseans, we all have a stake in ensuring our tax system remains fair and effective. The Department of Revenue encourages citizens to report suspected tax violations via a toll-free hotline: (800) FRAUDTX (372-8389). This simple act of civic duty can help maintain the integrity of our tax system and ensure that everyone pays their fair share.

“The Department of Revenue has always been committed to making sure Tennessee’s tax laws and procedures are applied uniformly.”

It’s worth noting that the Tennessee Department of Revenue plays a crucial role in our state’s financial health. Administering state tax laws and collecting approximately 87% of total state revenue, the Department’s work directly impacts the services and infrastructure we all rely on. In the 2023 fiscal year alone, they collected nearly $22 billion in state taxes and fees, along with over $4.7 billion for local governments.


Tax fraud isn’t just a victimless crime – it affects all of us. When businesses evade taxes, they’re essentially stealing from their fellow citizens and creating an unfair business environment. By staying vigilant and reporting suspicious activity, we can all play a part in keeping Tennessee’s economy strong and its tax system fair.

“It is a felony for retailers to collect sales tax from the public and then fail to remit it to the state. It is a breach of the public trust, and the Department of Revenue will never quit pursuing criminal sanctions to provide accountability for these actions.”

Remember, a strong community is built on trust and fairness. By working together to combat tax fraud, we’re not just protecting our state’s revenue – we’re upholding the values that make Tennessee great.


1. Middle Tennessee Business Owner Pleads Guilty to Theft and Tax Evasion

2. Former Nashville Harding Place Wholesale Manager Guilty of Tax And Counterfeiting Charges

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