Michigan Republican Kicked Off Committee

(RepublicanDaily.org) – A Republican state legislator in Michigan has been disciplined over sharing a post on social media that propagates a conspiracy theory that there is an organized movement to “replace” white people with non-white people.

Representative Josh Schriver, a Republican, was stripped of his membership in the state legislature’s Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee, also losing resources and staff in the process. The disciplinary action was prompted by a post he shared on social media from conservative commentator Jack Posobiec regarding the conspiracy theory, called the “Great Replacement Theory,” which is viewed by many as racist rhetoric.

Democratic Representative and House Speaker Joe Tate issued the disciplinary action, saying that “Schriver has a history of promoting debunked theories and dangerous rhetoric.” Tate added that there is no place on the Michigan House of Representatives for “racist, hateful and bigoted speech.”

Tate’s actions have a precedent, as the Michigan state legislature has issued similar punishments in the past to state reps who have stepped out of line. One example was when Representative Jewell Jones, a Democrat, lost his committee membership in 2021 over a drunk driving conviction and an attempt to smuggle in a key into a Livingston County jail.

Schriver’s views have also been slammed by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who called them “abhorrent rhetoric.”

For his part, the state representative – who will still be allowed to vote on the House floor – said that he stands by his views. He added that he feels that there is an “agenda to demoralize and reduce the white portion of our population,” adding that such a movement is “not inclusive,” pointing out his belief that “Christ is inclusive.” Schriver said that he would continue to “research” on the issue and consume material on the matter put out by people like Posobiec and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

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