Indonesian Police Disrupt Major Plot, Arrest Several Suspects


Indonesian authorities have successfully thwarted a plot to assassinate the Pope, arresting several individuals believed to be linked to Islamic terrorist organizations.

At a Glance

  • Indonesian police arrested seven suspects involved in a plot against Pope Francis.
  • Weapons, a drone, and ISIS propaganda materials were found in the suspects’ home.
  • Suspects were angered by the Pope’s visit to Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque.
  • Security measures have been increased to protect high-profile religious figures.

Assassination Plot Foiled

Indonesian police have successfully foiled a plot to assassinate Pope Francis during his visit to Jakarta. The authorities arrested seven individuals following a thorough investigation by the nation’s police anti-terrorism unit, Detachment 88. Items discovered in one suspect’s residence included bows and arrows, a drone, and ISIS propaganda materials, which evidence suggests belonged to individuals who had pledged allegiance to ISIS.

The suspects were reportedly disgruntled by the Pope’s peaceful visit to the Istiqlal Mosque and the suspension of the public broadcasting of the Islamic call to prayer during his visit. This discontent has been cited as a potential motive for the assassination attempt that was to be carried out.

Enhancing Global Security Efforts

The successful capture of the suspects puts a spotlight on the continuous threat of extremist factions worldwide. This incident runs parallel to historical attempts on high-profile religious figures, such as the famous 1995 Bojinka plot—a three-phase terrorist attack that involved plans to assassinate Pope John Paul II.

Recent discoveries in the investigation have led to increased security measures involving anti-terrorism units and secret service forces. These heightened precautions aim to prevent the global impact that such terrorist activities can have, ensuring the protection of influential religious leaders like Pope Francis. As the mission to uncover any connections to broader terrorist networks continues, the world watches with bated breath, understanding the weight of these foiled plots.

The Pope’s Resilience

Despite the considerable threat, Pope Francis chose to proceed with his visit to the Istiqlal Mosque, emphasizing his mission of peace and unity. This show of fortitude has been lauded by many and has further unified the Catholic community and others supporting the Pope’s peaceful endeavors.

“Don’t tire of dreaming and of building a civilization of peace.”

The Pope’s decision to continue his visit undeterred serves as a powerful statement against terrorism and showcases the importance of continual dialogue and peaceful presence in places impacted by division and conflict.


1. Pope Francis visits Papua New Guinea after overflowing Indonesia Mass