Former Brazil President Under Investigation

( – Jair Bolsonaro, the former president of Brazil, is under investigation for allegedly harassing a humpback whale.

The former Brazilian president was allegedly caught on video riding his jet ski and himself filming the whale, getting too close to the animal in the process. Under the law in Brazil, observers are only allowed up to 100 meters away from the animal – Bolsonaro was allegedly as close as 15 meters from the whale.

Violators, if proven guilty, face paying a fine as well as a prison sentence anywhere from two to five years. A local politician was previously accused of the same violation, and was made to pay a $500 fine.

Following the accusations, the disgraced former head of state presented himself at the headquarters of Brazil’s federal police in Sao Paolo, accompanied by his lawyer and former advisor, who was said to have also been present at the time of the incident. He has denied harassing or bothering the whale, although he did admit riding his jet ski and approaching the animal.

Speaking to news outlets, the former president of Brazil said that “No one can understand why I am under investigation.” He also said that he was aware of the distance rule regarding whales and said that he maintained the proper distance from the animal.

“I did not bother it [the whale] in any way,” he said.

However, this most recent brush with the law is the least of Bolsonaro’s legal troubles at the moment. Bolsonaro has been banned from running for office until 2030, over accusations that the attempted to instigate a coup against his successor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. According to court documents, Bolsonaro had prepared a decree he would sign in the event that he lost the elections in 2022, declaring the vote as fraudulent. The decree also empowered him to mobilize the military and call for new elections.

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