Fani Willis Refuses to Testify Before Senate Panel

( – The saga surrounding Fani Willis continues, after the Georgia Fulton County district attorney said that she would likely not appear before a state Senate panel that has launched an investigation against her.

Willis, who leads the state’s election interference case against former president Donald Trump, is being investigated by the Republican-led Georgia state senate over her relationship with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade. After being given an ultimatum by Judge Scott McAfee, the presiding judge in Trump’s case in Georgia, Wade ultimately resigned from Willis’ prosecution team.

However, critics of Willis and her case against Trump say that Wade – and Willis herself – could have financially benefitted from their personal relationship. McAffee had earlier ruled that Willis committed an ethical violation when she decided to have a relationship with someone she hired, it did not constitute grounds for the case against Trump to be dismissed.

For her part, Willis has been defiant against all allegations against her, saying that she had “not broken the law.” With regard to the state Senate investigation against her, she scored conservative state legislators for supposedly exercising an overreach of their authority and called the investigation into her “unlawful.”

“They need to learn the law,” Willis said. “I don’t think they even had the authority to subpoena me.”

Republican state Senator Bill Cowsert, however, disagreed with Willis’ assessment. Cowsert, who heads the committee investigating the Fulton County DA, said that it has the authority to summon Willis and investigate how she is spending public funds. If Willis continues to be defiant, Cowsert said that she could be held in contempt by the committee.

The summons comes at an inopportune time for Willis, who is currently running for reelection to keep her position as district attorney for Fulton County. Elections for the position will be on May 21, and she faces a challenger in the person of Christian Wise Smith, a fellow Democrat.

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