Famous Composer Announces Congressional Run

(RepublicanDaily.org) – Marty O’Donnell may have made his mark in the video game industry as a music and score composer for hit games such as Destiny and the Halo franchise, but O’Donnell is looking to make an impact in an entirely new field – politics.

O’Donnell recently announced that he will be running for a congressional seat under the Republican party, challenging incumbent Democratic Representative Susie Lee, who represents Nevada’s third congressional district.

In a lengthy tweet announcing his candidacy, O’Donnell said that while he has never aspired to become a politician, he felt that the needs of working class Americans are not given enough notice in the Capitol.

He said that the middle class and working-class people, along with small businesses, “have been losing ground” over the last two decades. O’Donnell added that all it takes is a deeper look into the economy to see that something has “gone horribly wrong” and no one is doing anything about it.

The 68-year-old video game music composer said that he was on his way to retirement, retreating to a quiet suburb in Nevada but said that he was constantly bothered by the steadily increasing cost of living in America, as well as what he feels is the lack of security in the U.S.’ southern border.

“I’m ready to go to [Washington] DC,” O’Donnell tweeted, adding that he wants to help “bring back sanity and civility to the public discourse” on important issues that America is facing at the moment. The country, he added, is in need of “bold leaders.”

O’Donnell was a controversial figure in the video game industry, known for constantly getting into legal tussles with video game studios Bungie and Microsoft. Bungie and Microsoft own the Destiny and Halo video game franchises, respectively. He was fired from Bungie in 2014 after multiple disputes with management. He was also fined $100,000 in 2021 for unauthorized sharing of music from the first Destiny game. O’Donnell also sued Microsoft over music royalties, entering into a settlement with the company in 2022.

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