Eric Adams Deflects When Questioned About Being Investigated

( – New York City Mayor Eric Adams is facing a possible indictment after it was revealed that a grand jury is looking into potential irregularities with the mayor’s campaign in 2021, including a supposed link with Turkey.

Sources who have knowledge of the investigation say that there are claims that Adams received illegal donations to his campaign from the Turkish government. On top of this, the FBI is also looking into the mayor’s relationship with the official Turkish carrier, Turkish Airlines, where he supposedly received free upgrades as part of his arrangement with the Turkish government.

Adams allegedly received campaign donations from the Turkish government in exchange for political favors, such as when he supposedly put pressure on the New York Fire Department to put a rush in approving the operating certificate for Turkey’s new high-rise consulate in the city – despite the existence of safety concerns.

A former aide to Adams is also reportedly aiding investigators. Rana Abbasova, who previously served as director of protocol for the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs, reportedly possesses knowledge of the mayor’s dealings with the Turkish government, as she was responsible for coordinating meetings, and accompanied Adams during his two official trips to Turkey.

Adams’ phones and other electronic equipment such as laptops have also been seized by investigators, and sources say that the mayor has received a federal subpoena from the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office. The order reportedly includes a gag order barring him from speaking on the matter.

When asked about the probe, the mayor was dismissive of the issue, telling reporters, “I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer,” adding that he had “no idea” that a grand jury was looking into allegations of corruption against him. He then directed all questions on the matter to his lawyers.

“Speak to the counsel. The counsel will explain to you the normal process,” he said.

His lawyer denied claims that the mayor was involved in any wrongdoing, saying that Adams made the proper disclosures regarding his official trip to Turkey, and did not receive or ask for any improper upgrades to his Turkish airlines flight.

“Speculation is not evidence,” said Brendan McGuire, legal counsel for Mayor Adams.

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