Democratic Senators Bypass Major Event: Local Strategies Over National Presence

Democratic Senators Bypass Major Event: Local Strategies Over National Presence

Three Democratic senators from swing states skip out on a major DNC event, raising questions about their strategies for reelection.

At a Glance

  • Senator Joe Manchin announces he won’t seek reelection.
  • Liberals gain a majority on Wisconsin state Supreme Court.
  • Democrats redraw legislative maps in Wisconsin, reducing GOP majorities.
  • Biden administration increases presence in Wisconsin due to low approval ratings.

Senators Focus on Local Concerns Over DNC Alignments

Three Democratic senators from key swing states have decided to skip the Democratic National Committee (DNC) assembly. This strategic move allows them to manage their political images amid rigorous reelection battles. Steering clear of potential controversies associated with national politics, they aim to remain closely aligned with their local voter bases. Such decisions highlight the nuanced balancing act required in today’s polarized political climate.

“Sens. Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Jon Tester (Mont.) and Jacky Rosen (Nev.) all plan to campaign back home instead, Axios has learned.”

The Senators’ decision underscores a critical shift in political strategy. By focusing on local voter concerns, they hope to distance themselves from broader national controversies. This strategy emphasizes the importance of retaining a connection with constituents, particularly in highly contested areas. The move also reflects the growing tension between national party loyalty and the necessity to address immediate local issues effectively.

Joe Manchin’s Stance and Future Plans

Senator Joe Manchin has announced he will not seek reelection. This choice reflects his dissatisfaction with the current political climate, which, according to him, prioritizes monetary gains over genuine problem-solving. He has been a consistent pro-life advocate but recognizes the practical balance many Americans found in Roe v. Wade. Manchin has criticized both parties for placing political tribes above the collective will of the people, further justifying his decision to step away from the Senate.

Manchin explained why he is not seeking re-election in a lengthy statement – “Later that year, the same thing happened on the other side of the aisle with a bill to reform energy permitting. America’s energy security is and will continue to be threatened without such a law, and passing one has long been a Republican priority. This time the Republican Senate leadership and the majority of their caucus killed the bill because they were angry that I had helped pass an energy-security bill they didn’t like. Again, they put politics over the will of the people.”

Manchin’s focus will now turn towards mobilizing the political middle and advocating for structural changes. He believes that addressing fundamental issues like Citizens United v. FEC, gerrymandering, closed primaries, and the lack of term limits can significantly improve America’s political landscape. Manchin emphasizes that bipartisan solutions should be at the forefront, ensuring that the country comes before party loyalty.

Wisconsin’s Political Landscape Shift

Wisconsin Democrats are experiencing significant political momentum. For the first time in 15 years, liberals have gained a majority on the state Supreme Court. Additionally, new legislative maps are expected to reduce Republican majorities in the state Legislature. These developments could result in a more balanced legislature, with potential policy changes on critical issues like Medicaid expansion, marijuana legalization, and paid family leave.

Despite these gains, challenges remain. President Biden’s approval ratings in Wisconsin are low, prompting the White House to ramp up its presence in the state. Both Biden and Vice President Harris, along with key cabinet members, have increased their visits to Wisconsin. This heightened presence aims to bolster Democratic prospects amid upcoming elections.


The decisions of these Democratic senators to prioritize local concerns over national alignment reveal the complexities of modern political strategy. With significant issues like economic struggles, public safety, and national debt at the forefront, their actions demonstrate a need to bridge local and national interests. Whether their bets will pay off in the upcoming elections remains to be seen, but their focus on genuine problem-solving and bipartisan solutions could pave the way for a more united America.


1. The Dems ditching Chicago

2. Why I Won’t Be Seeking Re-Election to the Senate