Chinese Police Broke Protocol, Took Australian Resident Back to China

( – A defector from the Chinese government has broken open the modus operandi used by China’s law enforcement and intelligence agents in bringing back dissidents and activists opposed to Xi Jinping’s iron-fisted rule of the Asian giant. These methods sometimes include kidnapping targets through various ruses – and sometimes even with the cooperation of other local governments.

Speaking on the Australian news program Four Corners, the defector, who used the name “Eric” and whose face and body were completely covered to conceal his identity, claimed that he used to work for China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS), which led something called Operation Fox Hunt. On paper, Eric claimed that MPS’ Operation Fox Hunt was tasked with tracking down criminals who have escaped China for committing the blanket offense of “economic crimes.” In truth, however, Fox Hunt was a means for the Chinese government to bring back Chinese dissidents and anti-Jinping activists to face punishment.

One particularly disturbing incident, Eric claimed, was when MPS agents – with the cooperation of the local authorities in Australia – “interviewed” one of the alleged economic criminals in Australia. The suspect, a woman and only identified by her last name, “Wang” was already an Australian citizen but was allowed to be subsequently “escorted” back home by MPS agents after she “surrendered,” China, ostensibly because Chinese agents utilized an often-used tactic of harassing any of the targets’ family members who remain in China.

Australian authorities have condemned the incident, which apparently took place in 2019. Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson said that the revelations are especially concerning, and if proven true, could constitute an incident of China conducting an “extrajudicial extradition of an Australian resident.”

In another incident, Eric said that he personally targeted Wang Liming, or better known as the Radio Free Asia cartoonist Rebel Pepper, who had fled to Japan after drawing cartoons that advocated for a “one person, one vote to change China” that angered Chinese authorities. He was subsequently labeled as a “traitor” by The People’s Daily, a pro-government publication in China. According to Eric, he attempted to lure Wang to fake job interview in Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Wang said that nothing in his application process seemed off, and he only declined the lucrative job offer over security concerns surrounding a return to Southeast Asia, where Chinese agents operate more freely.

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