Botched Venezuela Raid: Inside the ‘Bay of Piglets’ Fiasco

Botched Venezuela Raid: Inside the 'Bay of Piglets' Fiasco

Well, well, well… It seems our “Bay of Piglets” has finally come home to roost. In a twist that would make even the most seasoned spy novelist raise an eyebrow, a former U.S. Green Beret has been nabbed for his role in a failed raid that makes the Keystone Cops look like Navy SEALs. But before we dive into this geopolitical face-palm, let’s remember why this matters: it’s a stark reminder that playing international cowboy isn’t just dangerous—it’s potentially illegal. So saddle up, patriots, as we dissect this fiasco and learn why sometimes, it’s best to leave the regime-changing to the professionals.

The Arrest and Charges

Jordan Goudreau, a former U.S. Green Beret, has been arrested in New York on federal arms smuggling charges. Goudreau faces 14 counts, including conspiracy, smuggling goods, and unlawful possession of a machine gun. These charges stem from his involvement in the failed 2020 raid by Venezuelan army deserters to oust President Nicolás Maduro.

Alongside Goudreau, Yacsy Alvarez is accused of violating U.S. arms control laws by sending defense equipment to Colombia without a license. The indictment details communications, financial transactions, and logistics of the smuggling plot, painting a picture of an operation that was doomed from the start.

The “Bay of Piglets” Raid

The raid, mockingly dubbed the “Bay of Piglets” in reference to the failed 1961 CIA-sponsored invasion of Cuba, was a spectacular failure. Infiltration by Venezuelan security forces and logistical issues led to its swift collapse. Two former Green Berets involved in the operation were imprisoned in Venezuela until a prisoner swap last year.

The Aftermath and Legal Consequences

If convicted, Goudreau and Alvarez face 5 to 20 years in prison per violation. Meanwhile, Cliver Alcalá, Goudreau’s partner in the coup attempt, was sentenced in an unrelated case, further complicating the already tangled web of this failed operation.

Lessons Learned

This debacle serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and dangers of interfering in foreign affairs without proper authorization or support. It highlights the need for strict adherence to international laws and the potential consequences of rogue operations, even when carried out by former military personnel.

As this case unfolds, it will undoubtedly provide valuable insights into the intersection of private military contractors, international politics, and the law. For now, it stands as a cautionary tale about the perils of amateur diplomacy and the importance of leaving sensitive international operations to those with the proper authority and expertise.


1. US arrests a former Green Beret over the failed 2020 raid into Venezuela to remove Maduro

2. Feds arrest ex-US Green Beret in connection to failed 2020 raid of Venezuela to remove Maduro

3. US arrests a former Green Beret over the failed 2020 raid into Venezuela to remove Maduro

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