Biden Embarrasses Himself in Brewery Speech

( – As President Joe Biden began an aggressive campaign push in the Midwest, where he mocked former president Donald Trump’s poor infrastructure initiatives during the latter’s term in the White House, the president became a subject of mockery himself after a gaffe where he appeared to mix up words in one of his speeches.

In an event in Superior, Wisconsin at the Earth Rider Brewery, the president suddenly mumbled, “The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here.”

A few moments later, he followed with, “Ooh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…” The president also appeared to knock on a beer barrel, stick his ear near it, and then walk away.

The verbal fumble and bizarre behavior distracted many from the points of his speech, where he attempted to tout the economic accomplishments of his “Bidenomics” initiatives.

Conservative commentator Colin Rugg quipped that Biden seemed to be “speaking a different language.” He also mocked Democrat and left-leaning media claims that the president was “sharper than ever.”

The Twitter account of the campaign of former president Trump, @TeamTrump, also chimed in on the matter, calling the president “cognitively impaired.” The comment was ostensibly made by a member of the former chief executive’s campaign staff, as Trump himself has very rarely used the platform himself, even after being reinstated, and sticks to his own social media platform, Truth Social.

Another conservative account on Twitter, @RNCResearch, made fun of what they called Biden’s “VERY tough time reading from his giant teleprompter.”

President Biden’s visit to Wisconsin is part of his campaign’s push to hopefully improve his dismal approval ratings, as the president seeks to dispel talk of what many say is his lack of capability to work at the White House for another four years – as well as tout the accomplishments of his administration.

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