Biden Confuses President Macron With a Dead Man

( – The campaign of President Joe Biden has been working overtime to reassure the public that the president is fit enough – especially mentally – to run the country for another four years, but the frequency of the president’s flubs have made the attempt difficult at best.

The latest slip up saw Biden mistake French president Emmanuel Macron for another French president, François Mitterrand, who died way back in 1996.

In a recent campaign speech in Las Vegas, Biden attempted to regale attendees with tales of what he accomplished during his tenure. Part of that was a story that supposedly happened at a G7 summit in 2021, the first year of his presidency. Biden said that he sat down and told Macron – whom he first misidentified as being from Germany and then called the French president “Mitterrand.”

The public gaffe is one of many Biden has committed over the years. The president has often appearing to mumble or confuse one word with another, and has misidentified personalities several times. On one occasion, he even inadvertently used what many felt was a racial slur when he called famous rapper and actor LL Cool J “boy” at an awards ceremony honoring members of the African-American community. To add insult to injury, the president also mixed up the rapper’s name, calling him “LL J Cool J.”

Fox News contributor Leo Terrell, who is black, then called the faux pas “inexcusable and offensive,” and said that Biden was reason he left the Democratic party in 2020.

In another incident last year, the president also appeared to confuse the conflict in Ukraine for the war in Iraq, saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “clearly losing the war in Iraq.” Just a month later, Biden said that “over 100” Americans died of infections since the pandemic.

A new poll conducted by NBC News showed that age and mental fitness were among voters’ – which included a significant number of Democrats – top concerns about Biden’s re-election bid.

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