Peruvian Lawmakers Trying to Remove President Again

( – A small group of lawmakers in Peru has tried once again to unseat the country’s president, Dina Boluarte, who is currently facing several investigations over various alleged improprieties.

Citing Boluarte’s “moral incapacity,” the group has petitioned Peru’s Parliament to remove her from office. The effort, launched by legislators from the opposition, is the fifth attempt to have her ousted, but conservative allies have always rallied behind Boluarte, voting down any motion that seeks to have her forcibly relinquish the presidency. As with the previous motions, the Peruvian Parliament dismissed the latest petition for Boluarte’s removal, which failed to meet the required 40% support that would have moved an attempted impeachment process forward.

The attempts at launching an impeachment process against Boluarte follows the slew of investigations – both criminal and ethical – that she is currently facing. Critics are pointing out that she is abusing her authority and neglecting her responsibilities, such as when investigative report from a local news outlet revealed that the Peruvian president took a two-week leave of absence just in order to undergo cosmetic surgery. However, not only did Boluarte not inform Congress of her decision, but she also failed to delegate tasks and left pending work unattended. The report also stressed that the procedure was purely for aesthetic reasons and was completely unnecessary, health-wise.

Boluarte also faced an investigation into her alleged procurement of luxury watches and pieces of expensive jewelry which she did not include in her list of assets. Dubbed the “Rolex scandal” by the local press, pundits working in media pointed out that the Peruvian president seemed to have quite a collection of expensive watches, wearing up to 14 different luxury timepieces at public events. One of these watches was priced at roughly $19,000, replete with 18-karat gold and diamond inlays.

The Peruvian president also reportedly disbanded a task force formed to investigate her brother, who was arrested recently for alleged influence peddling and corruption. The brother, Nicanor Boluarte, is suspected of heading an criminal operation that ostensibly has a hand in the appointment of individuals in top government positions.

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